M.A/M.Ed Education Solved Assignments Autumn 2021
AIOU Master Academy Solved Assignments
Code | Book Name | View Assignments |
622 | Elementary School Management | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
623 | Teaching Strategies at Elementary Level | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
625 | Perspective of Elementary Education | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
626 | Elementary Teacher Education | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
627 | ICT in Education | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
629 | Guidance & Counseling in Elementary Schools | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
671 | Educational Psychology | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
672 | Perspectives of Special Education | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
673 | Handicapped Persons in the Community | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
677 | Independence Training for the Visually | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
678 | Special Education For The Visually Handicapped | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
680 | General Introduction To The Hearing Impairment | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
681 | Psychology of Deafness and Child Development | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
682 | Speech & Hearing | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
683 | Audiology & Audiometry | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
695 | Foundation of Science Education | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
696 | Teaching Strategies in Science Education | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
697 | Assessment in Science Education | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
698 | Laboratory Organization, Management & Safety Methods | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
826 | Elementary Education | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
827 | Secondary Education-II | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
828 | Higher Education | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
829 | Higher Education | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
831 | Foundation of Education | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
834 | Educational Technology | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
835 | Adult Education | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
837 | Educational Research | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
838 | Curriculum Development and Instruction | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
840 | Educational Psychology | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
841 | Educational Measurement and Evaluation | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
842 | The Concepts & Methods of Distance Education | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
843 | Educational Psychology | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
844 | Non-Formal Distance Education | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
845 | Educational Administration and Supervision | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
846 | Teaching Strategies | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
847 | Adult Education in Comparative Perspective | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
850 | Evaluation of Adult Education | WAITING FOR ASSIGNMENTS |
852 | Broadcast Media in Distance Education | WAITING FOR ASSIGNMENTS |
853 | Non-Broadcast Media in Distance Education | WAITING FOR ASSIGNMENTS |
854 | Developing Material for Distance and Non-Formal Education | WAITING FOR ASSIGNMENTS |
855 | Computer In Education | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
874 | Women and Media | WAITING FOR ASSIGNMENTS |
877 | Women and Health | WAITING FOR ASSIGNMENTS |
878 | Women and Environment | WAITING FOR ASSIGNMENTS |
880 | Computer In Education | WAITING FOR ASSIGNMENTS |
1627 | Classroom Assessment | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
3601 | Braille Practical Course Urdu-I | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
3602 | Braille Practical Course English-II | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
3603 | Introduction and Assessment of Mentally Retarded Children-I | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
3604 | Introduction and Assessment of Mentally Retarded Children-II | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
3605 | Education of Mentally Retarded Children-I | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
3606 | Education of Mentally Retarded Children-II | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
3607 | Physical Handicaps-I | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
3608 | Physical Handicaps-II | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
3609 | Education Adaptation for Children with Physical Disabilities-I | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
3610 | Education Adaptation for Children with Physical Disabilities-II | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
3611 | Organization and Management of Special School-I | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
3612 | Organization and Management of Special School-II | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
3613 | Community-Based Rehabilitation-I | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
3614 | Community-Based Rehabilitation-II | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
3645 | Nutrition – A Life Span Approach | WAITING FOR ASSIGNMENTS |
3646 | Nutrition for Fitness | WAITING FOR ASSIGNMENTS |
3647 | Nutritional Assessment-I | WAITING FOR ASSIGNMENTS |
3649 | Maternal & Child Health | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
3652 | Clinical Nutrition | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
3653 | Research Methods | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
3654 | Basic Biostatistics | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
6500 | Foundations of Education | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
6501 | Educational Psychology and Guidance | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
6502 | Educational Management and Supervision | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
6503 | Curriculum and Instruction | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
6505 | Islamic System of Education | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
6506 | Education in Pakistan | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
6507 | Educational Measurement and Evaluation | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
6508 | Teaching of English | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
6509 | Teaching of Urdu | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
6511 | Teaching of Pakistan Studies | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
6515 | Teaching of Mathematics | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
6516 | Teaching of Physics | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
6552 | Textbook Development I | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
6553 | Textbook Development II | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
6573 | Population Education-I | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |
6574 | Planning For Population Education-II | VIEW ASSIGNMENTS |